Driver CPC Training – What’s the point?
Driver CPC Training – What’s the point? Is a question I get asked all the time by drivers. Well, there a many great reasons for Driver CPC Training. I’m now into my 7th year of Driver CPC training and running a Driver CPC Consortium and I’m shocked as to how many professional drivers out there have gaps in their basic ‘need to know’ knowledge. And interestingly, I’m constantly asked “Driver CPC training, what’s the point? Aside from the fact that all HGV drivers should know their EU Drivers Hours, Working Time (RTD), Driver walk round checks & Defect reporting/rectification processes and how to use a Tachograph properly, the fact is many still don’t.
So here’s my eleven reason why taking Driver CPC training can only be beneficial for the professional driver.
- It will help to improve your understanding of legislation
- It’s always beneficial to undertake refresher training
- You may learn something new
- It’s a chance to air your grievances
- It will help clarify any issues or lack of understanding
- It can show how you can work with your employer to help improve working conditions
- You can discus the subjects in a open environment and argue your points both positive and negative
- It’s a great opportunity to ask questions with a professional Driver CPC trainer and discus with other drivers
- Armed with the facts, you can drive/work with confidence – no grey areas
- It will help improve your working day through having a better understanding of fuel efficiency, nutrition advice, how to deal with stress, customer service, traffic law and Health & Safety
- Any training when driving a large, potentially lethal vehicle can only be beneficial for the driver and the public
Obviously this list isn’t exhaustive but they are the main points. If you disagree or would like to add to the list please feel free, just get in touch!
I can’t think of any reasons why not only taking Driver CPC training is necessary but why you, as a professional driver shouldn’t enjoy your day with like minded individuals. Rather than going into the session with a negative attitude, next time think about how beneficial Driver CPC Training can be for you, your employer and the public!
If you have any questions regarding the above, anything to do with Driver CPC Training or becoming a Driver CPC Consortium please do get in touch, we’re here to share the knowledge!