Driver CPC courses for 2017

Updated TMconsultant Driver CPC courses 2017 with a new Driver CPC course addition

Our updated TMconsultant Driver CPC courses 2017 with a shiny new course addition are here!

Great news! We have just updated our Driver CPC courses 2017 and added a great new course, Conflict Management. We’ve updated all our exiting courses with a couple of new additions including

  • Extending the Vulnerable Road User section
  • The addition of a brief overview of transmission and braking systems
  • New media including the new DVSA films
  • An updated daily inspection to include checking over new safety equipment if fitted
  • Updated Health & Safety section including RIDDOR

We’ve also renewed our driver CPC course timings and how we programme to keep the content as exciting and fresh as possible.

New Conflict Management Course

Thanks to JK Transport Training Services for submitting this course for approval, it looks awesome. Here’s the content:

  • Communication
  • Human Resonances in conflict situations
  • Asserting and reducing risks in conflict situations
  • De-escilcating conflict in emotive situations
  • Good practice following a conflict situation

This course helps you understand that changing what you do, what you say and how you say it will create changes in another person. You will learn:

  • How communication can be used to solve problems and reduce the likelihood of conflict
  • The factors that influence human responses in conflict situations
  • How to assess and reduce risks in conflict situations
  • How to communicate effectively and de escalate conflict in emotive situations
  • Good practice to follow after conflict situations

If you would like to get some first class training in how to deal with conflict and gain 7 hours towards your Driver CPC, then this the course for you!

Please do get in touch if you would like to discus your Driver CPC options, here to share the knowledge!

Are you interested in become a Driver CPC trainer and run your own training centre? We are currently looking for likeminded industry folk to join our growing consortium of Driver CPC trainers. For more information visit here or get in touch.

Posted in Driver CPC Training.