Free FORS warning signage

Free FORS warning signage

The Fleet Operators Recognition Scheme are giving away free FORS warning signage (vulnerable Road User (VRU) warning signage) for all FORS companies….nice. See below for more info.

The primary aim of this warning signage is to draw the attention of VRUs, particularly cyclists, to the potential blind spot on the nearside of larger vehicles.

FORS Standard ‘V7 – Vulnerable road user safety’ requires operators to fit vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight with blind spot warning signage. FORS guidance is that the signage should warn VRUs of the hazard, for example ‘Blindspot – Take Care’.

Please note that FORS does not support ‘stay back’ messages and would ask that all existing ‘Cyclists Stay Back’ warning signs be replaced with this new version, which has been designed in conjunction with the cycling community.

For guidance on warning signage please click here.

To place your order for free FORS warning signage click here and go to the ‘Offers’ section.

If you would like help attaining your FORS accreditation please do get in touch. We’re here to share the knowledge!

Posted in FORS.