TMconsultant Driver CPC Consortium

New members join the TMconsultant Driver CPC Consortium

We would like to welcome our new members to the TMconsultant Driver CPC Consortium! Micronclean, Headway Training, Logan Logistics, Ace Trainers, Prospect Training and Recruitment Ltd and Streamline Kent Ltd all joined recently and we would like to take the opportunity to wish our new members every success.

TMconsultant is a Driver CPC consortium providing the opportunity for those who would like to deliver Driver CPC training but would prefer not to set up a training centre in their own right. By becoming a member of our consortium you can teach Periodic Driver CPC training with all the benefits of being a fully registered training centre with JAUPT, operating under the umbrella of TMconsultant.

If you would like any information about joining our consortium please do get in touch, here to share the knowledge!

Posted in Driver CPC Training.