So you’ve just received an email providing you with a few date options regarding a JAUPT announced quality assurance visit. As with all audits, unless you’re fully prepared you can put yourself under unnecessary stress, and I hasten to add for no reason. To help you pass your JAUPT announced quality assurance visit, I have put together a few pointers to make the whole process a more pleasurable one.
1. Responsibilities
2. Prepare
I know this sounds obvious but you should start your preperation from the day you confirm your dates. List out all the individual aspects of your internal systems and tackle each job systematically and methodically. There are two helpful documents published by JAUPT which you should familiarise yourself with.
The first document is the Centre quality assurance self assessment. This is a check list type document which will help you identify areas of continuous improvement and assist you to compartmentalise all the requisite areas needing attention.
- Quality and delivery of the training
- Knowledge transfer
- The learning environment
- Course content ensuring the course is being delivered in line with the approved
- Course layout and identification checks and registration
3. Review
Obviously, reviews are ongoing and should be carried out annually. Part of your audit is to confirm your internal processes and procedures as per your Scheme of Control (SoC). However, if you haven’t already, this is a good time to carry out your review. This will really help you to pass your audit as you don’t want to be caught out with an old, out of date policy or procedure!
Once you have reviewed your SoC make sure you re-version number the document and send it to your case worker at JAUPT for approval.
I have set up three approved training centres in my time so we have a SoC template which may help. You can purchase one here. Remember this is only a template so you will need to adjust to your requirements!
4. Reconcile
You will need to cross reference training dates supplied to JAUPT with training delivered. This is achieved by using the R&E system, your own records and scheduled courses supplied to JAUPT. The quickest and easiest way is to use an excel spread sheet. As we all know however, the R&E system is somewhat antiquated, so trying to get a data download in the form of a spreadsheet from here is simply not possible. Unfortunately, for some reason the R&E team won’t provide training centres with this useful document either. Luckily there is a solution, as you can request the same spreadsheet from JAUPT, just ask your case worker. You will need to justify any anomalies to your auditor, so make sure you make notes regarding any issues.
It’s worth noting auditors like to see a working spreadsheet which also manages uploads dates/upload reference numbers.
5. Paperwork
If you didn’t know you can keep electronic records. So no need to have boxes of registration sheets and feedback forms present. Which ever system you use, just make sure all records are present, are easily accessible and in chronological order.
6. On the day
Start early and arrive at work at least two hours before the auditor arrives. This is twofold as your auditor will most likely arrive early and you need to have time to prepare your records and environment. Use a well lit, clean/tidy separate room where you won’t be disturbed. Make your auditor feel welcome, offer them some refreshments and stay with your auditor throughout. Trust me, this will make the whole process much more comfortable for all parties.
As long as you are well prepared for your JAUPT announced quality assurance visit, you have been methodical and you have covered off the above points, your day will be a relaxed and enjoyable one.
Join the TMconsultant Consortium
TMconsultant is a Driver CPC training consortium and we provide like minded companies and individuals with the opportunity to deliver Driver CPC training but would prefer not to set up a training centre in their own right. For more information please visit our website or just get in touch. Here to share the knowledge!