I have been getting quite a few inquiries regarding the FORS Standard updates 5.1 as to what exactly they are. I have also noticed a competitor is providing misinformation and even the FORS website itself is somewhat confusing. So here are the updates…….

FORS Standard updates 5.1
Yup that’s it and there are no updates for Bronze at all. So what about COVID-19 I hear you cry? Well, it is important to note you will need to ensure you have certain safety measures in place, we posted a blog this a few weeks back which you can view here. Topline points below.
FORS operators requesting an audit will need to have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment in line with the relevant government guidance on working safely during COVID-19 in offices and contact centres. In addition, for the purposes of the FORS audit, members will need to confirm the following at the time of requesting the audit:
- A single and only point of contact will be provided for the audit process
- That clear guidance on the social distancing and hygiene measures that are in place at the audit site will be provided to the auditor
- That any PPE identified in the FORS member’s risk assessment will be provided to the auditor on the day of the audit
- That the audit will be conducted in a well-ventilated designated room that is not occupied by other people
- That all evidence will be provided in the room where the audit is taking place
- That hand sanitiser will be available in the meeting room
- That host responsibilities relating to COVID-19 will be established by the member and that any necessary training will be provided for the person who will be acting as host for the auditor’s visit
- That entry and exit routes for visitors and contractors have been reviewed to minimise contact with other people
I spent some time delving into the FORS website regarding COVID-19, specifically this page. Most of the info is very useful however, there are a number of their associates are offering COVID-19 tool kits which might not necessarily be what you were expecting.
Are you looking to gain your FORS Bronze accreditation? Do you need help with FORS Silver? Look no further as TMconsultant can help. Feel free to get in touch! Alternatively, if you need more information about our FORS Help services click here.